Installing An Aircon

A reliable air conditioning system is a must-have in tropical climates like Singapore, and regular servicing is equally crucial to maintain its optimal performance. But did you know that your choice of aircon unit also has a significant impact on your cooling experience? To help you find the right air conditioning system for your space, we’ve prepared this guide filled with tips for choosing an aircon unit. Read on to explore what you need to know about aircon installation to keep your space comfortably cool.

1. Size and Capacity

When it comes to electrical appliances like air conditioners, one size definitely does not fit all. Instead of jumping straight into the installation process, remember to consult the professionals at an air conditioning installation service provider to choose an appropriately-sized unit for your space. Here’s what you need to take into account: 

A Person Choosing aircon Units

  • Room Size / Volume 

Factor in the square footage of your space to find a suitable cooling capacity. A smaller room will cool effectively with a less powerful unit whereas a larger room will need a higher capacity air conditioning system.

  • Usage Patterns

How many occupants are there within your premises? Will they frequent these spaces? Identifying your occupancy levels and how they will use the space can be helpful in determining the aircon capacity you’ll need. For instance, a room that’s often filled with people or activities that generate heat (i.e. cooking or exercising) will require a more powerful unit, while less frequented spaces can make do with smaller aircon capacities.

2. Location and Placement

The placement of your air conditioning unit matters. So, be sure to install your aircon unit strategically to ensure optimal cooling. Avoid areas with direct sunlight as they may strain your cooling system and drive up energy consumption. Also, refrain from decorating your space with objects that may restrict airflow and hinder cooling performance in the room. Additionally, to prevent noise disturbance from becoming a concern, it is advisable to position the aircon unit away from areas where noise may be frowned upon – bedrooms or workspaces – for a peaceful environment. 

3. Professional Installation Services

Thinking that you’ll be saving lots on air conditioner installation costs by doing it yourself? While DIY projects might sound easy and tempting,  it is best to leave aircon installation to the professionals. Not only do these experts possess the know-how to execute installations with precision and accuracy, but they are also capable of selecting the appropriate unit size to ensure proper placement and connection. Moreover, they adhere to strict safety standards and local regulations throughout the installation process, which can help mitigate any risks associated with faulty installations, such as electrical hazards or refrigerant leaks. The benefits you’ll reap in the long run may far outweigh the cost-savings you’ll enjoy.

4. Integration with Smart Technology

Experience greater convenience and efficiency by integrating your air conditioning system with smart home technology today. It allows you to gain control of your aircon unit and monitor capabilities like never before. From adjusting settings and temperatures remotely to optimising energy usage through programmed cooling cycles, you’ll be able to easily enjoy refreshing environments while reducing your environmental impact. 

Learn more: Aircon Brands Review – Which Aircon To Buy In Singapore

If you want a durable and efficient cooling system, proper aircon installation is the way to go. Consider the key factors involved in the selection and installation process, and trust professionals like Newway to ensure worry-free cool comfort in your space. 

At Newway, we supply various brands, including Mitsubishi and Daikin aircon installation in Singapore, attending to your cooling needs professionally. We also provide aircon chemical wash, repair, and troubleshooting services.

Reach out to us now and experience our exceptional service firsthand.