Aircon Brands

Consumers are often spoiled for choices when it comes to air conditioners in Singapore. So how do you choose an aircon brand that is safe, reliable and relevant for your family? This aircon brands review can be useful in helping you figure out which aircon brand (R32) is actually good for you!

We have outlined 6 key factors for aircon buyers to consider before making a purchase. This aircon review provides a fair aircon comparison based on aircon features, technical performance and other factual evidences. All data are extracted from technical manuals and test reports from NEA Singapore.  You can also find out more about the latest R32 refrigerant here (replacing R410A refrigerant)!

For consistency, we will be comparing a standard System 3 (Inverter Aircon 5 Ticks R32) among six popular aircon brands in Singapore. These include Daikin (iSmile Eco Series R32), Mitsubishi Electric (Starmex Easy Clean R32), LG (ArtCool+ R32), Mitsubishi Heavy (Diamond Series R32), Midea (All Easy Pro R32) and Panasonic (X-Premium R32).

Singapore Aircon Brands Review Installation Newway

#1. Airon Brands Review – Aircon Efficiency (Winner – Daikin)

Customers often ask – “I want the most energy efficient aircon brand”. So how do you tell which brand is better since most new aircon models are rated 5 ticks? The annual energy cost (NEA label) alone may not be a good representation, as this can be easily influenced by reduced cooling performance. Lesser power means your aircon may have to work harder, which actually increases electricity consumption in a different way.

NEA Label AirconWhat we want to know is which brand delivers the highest power at the lowest cost. To keep things in perspective, we have measured performance using a simple Cost versus Capacity ratio. While this may not be 100% realistic under different circumstances, it is still a good reference because the testing method is the same for all brands.

SMART TIP: Avoid the mistake of assuming that the aircon brand with the lowest electricity consumption is the most efficient, vice versa.  You could possibly end up with higher electrical bills depending on usage and environment factors. The key is to understand which aircon brand produces better efficiency, by using lesser electricity to deliver the same performance.

#2. Aircon Brands Review – Smart Control (Winner – Daikin / LG / Midea / Panasonic)

Let’s talk about connectivity! Everyone appreciates being able to control everything in the house with just a touch! Homes are getting smarter, and so are smart air conditioners. Newer aircons are usually Wi-Fi compatible, either with built-in connectivity or through external adapters. Having wireless connectivity can be beneficial in many ways, such as convenience of remote access and performance monitoring.

BEST AIRCON TIP: Having Wi-Fi connectivity is a personal preference that buyers should decide for themselves. If wireless connectivity is a must-have, we recommend choosing a smart aircon brand that comes with built-in Wi-Fi to save on the cost / hassle of setting up additional hardware manually.

#3. Aircon Brands Review – Aircon Noise (Winner – Daikin / Mitsubishi Electric / Mitsubishi Heavy)

Some people value peace and tranquility over everything else. This is where the quietest aircon can help you achieve zen at home without you even knowing it is there! The catch? If the noise level is low, you can expect the air flow to be comparatively lower too. It is also important to note that lower air circulation can compromise on comfort and aircon cooling in the room. So, it all depends on what matters most to you – better air circulation or quieter nights.

SMART TIP: We do not see this trade-off as a big problem since most aircon brands have different fan modes to adjust for blower speed. As of now, it is difficult to achieve high-speed airflow with low-speed noise level with current technology. But we do have some tips that can help reduce aircon noise while optimizing airflow!

#4. Aircon Brands Review – Indoor Air Quality (Winner – Mitsubishi Heavy)

Air purification is an essential concern for everyone, especially in current times. We all know that aircon recirculate air within the same area. Therefore, having proper purification technology will help produce cleaner and healthier cool air. All aircons do come with standard washable filters. So, what makes a difference will be additional features like ionizer, UV and other advanced filtration technology. Some work on larger particulate matters (e.g. haze, dust) while others work on smaller pathogenic microbes (e.g. viruses, bacteria).

BEST AIRCON TIP: We love extra aircon features! But it is good to note that these additional aircon components may sometimes affect the aircon performance or lifespan as they are part of the machine. If you are worried about complications, you can always purchase stand-alone air purifiers, which are often more powerful and effective.

#5. Aircon Brands Review – Best Aircon Price (Winner – Midea)

Best Aircon Brands Review Air Conditioner Installation Singapore NewwayIt is even harder to choose when aircon brands in the market are competitively priced. But we know that buying an air conditioner is not like buying a laptop. The quality of workmanship and materials goes into play for the long term. These aircon problems can sometimes remain concealed for months or years before surface. Moreover, aircon installations does affect the design and structure of your house because aircon pipes are all over the place.  This is why having good knowledge and experience can contribute to a safe and reliable aircon installation.

BEST AIRCON TIP: Choose a reputable aircon installer. Ensure installers are certified and authorized by manufacturers for a safe and proper installation. You can definitely consider Newway! We are all about making sure our customers have a safe, reliable and comfortable experience. We take pride in our work and are meticulous about workmanship, investing in the best tools, materials and installers.

#6. Aircon Brands Review – Aircon Production Countries

Aircon Brands Review Factory SingaporeThere is often confusion when consumers associate the country of aircon brand origin, with the country of aircon production. So how does knowing this benefit us? Well, certain countries are more reputable when it comes to quality manufacturing practices, and a wrong association could mean a whole world of difference.

SMART TIP: When dealing with good aircon brands, customers can rest assured that quality control is not something that will be taken lightly. Nonetheless, we do recognize that there are certain advantages if the manufacturing facility is in the same country as its headquarters, as management can have better control over its value chain.

Aircon Brand Recommendation – Best Aircon Brand in Singapore

So which aircon brand (R32) is the best? Well, there is no one perfect brand for everyone. Buyers have to consider their own needs  when deciding which air conditioning brand is best for them. We hope to help our customers make a better decision with this simple aircon buying guide.

There are a lot more information available, with many other relevant and useful pointers. This simple aircon review is not exhaustive and covers a single product range only. For this reason, we recommend you to check with your preferred aircon installers for their professional advice before choosing the best aircon brand for your new home / workplace. All the best!

About Newway Air Conditioning

aircon servicing singapore

With more than 30 years of extensive experience, Newway is one of the most reputable air conditioning specialists in Singapore. They are dedicated to providing customers with high quality and cost-effective solutions, over a wide range of integrated aircon services.

Backed by a strong portfolio, Newway is widely regarded as the best aircon company in Singapore with numerous accolades. They are BCA and NEA registered aircon contractors, and are also proudly featured on MediaCorp, The Smart Local, The Royal Singapore,  Titan Homes and many more!

Popular Aircon Brands  –  Daikin (iSmile Eco)  Mitsubishi Electric (Starmex)  Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Diamond)  LG (Artcool / Alpha)  Panasonic (X-Premium)  Midea (All Easy Pro)  Toshiba (YouMe)  Hitachi (FrostWash)  Fujitsu (AirStage)